Engaging and Impactful In-Person Learning Events

We know that many workplaces have been experiencing lots of change. Switching from in-person, to remote-only, and now facing the challenge of blending remote and in-person channels. Despite the flexibility that remote learning provides; nothing can truly replace the power of belonging and in-person connection.

Meeting people and socializing can increase our sense of belonging. In fact, high belonging was linked to a 56% increase in job performance, a 50% drop in turnover risk, and a 75% reduction in sick days. For a 10,000-person company, this can result in annual savings of more than $52 million.

That’s why we created the In-Person Design Canvas. This tool can help you plan and run an engaging and impactful in-person learning event. Our Design Canvas breaks down all the important aspects to consider before and during a live learning event. This includes your desired outcomes for learners, how you can maximize inclusion and belonging, what power moments will tap into learners’ motivation and affect, how to make best use of physical space, what creative activities will be included, and key logistics to keep in mind. Use this to brainstorm ideas at the beginning, then keep updating and refining as you go!

Engaging and Impactful In-Person Learning Events

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