Tips for executing a large-scale training strategy

Are you planning and executing a large-scale training strategy for your organization? With so many moving parts and potential roadblocks, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. But fear not, we're here to help! We've compiled 6 expert tips to help you successfully execute your training strategy!

We recommend starting with a thorough analysis to identify gaps or needs that require attention before the launch. Once you’ve addressed these gaps and developed your training strategy, assign leads for each region/function/department to oversee the training strategy execution in each area. Communicate your plan visually through a comprehensive roadmap for the pre-launch, launch and post-launch phases. To ensure consistency and efficiency across the organization, develop standardized processes, frameworks and toolkits that are easy for leads to tailor to their area. All training materials should be compiled in a central, accessible location for all employees to access. Lastly, have a measurement and evaluation strategy in place so you can assess how well the training strategy was executed and its impact.

If you want to learn more, please contact us!

Tips for executing a large-scale training strategy

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