
Learning & Development Sales Training Strategy

SalesHealthcareLearning Strategy
Learning & Development Sales Training Strategy

Our client, a major pharmaceutical company, required external consultation and creation of a long-term sales training strategy. They came to Metrix with a need for expert insight and recommendations for their long-term sales training strategy and professional development pathways for their internal L&D team.

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We collaborated with the L&D team to conduct a thorough analysis of the current state of all sales training materials. We also conducted focus groups and interviews with key members of senior management, the L&D team, and the field-based salesforce to identify the current deficits in both the training materials and the skills/abilities gaps of the internal L&D team to deliver training that was aligned to the company’s strategic direction.

Based on our findings, we developed a comprehensive 3-year sales training strategy for the L&D team that incorporated the following guiding principles for future training development:

  • Clearly link to commercial effectiveness impact
  • Minimize time spent off-the-job in non-revenue generating activities
  • Maximize peer-to-peer learning
  • Establish a clear framework for advancement and professional development
  • Instill proven industry-best practices and sound instructional design principles

We also provided concrete recommendations for training implementation and evaluation, including a decision methodology for choosing the right learning modalities for training deployment and a learning dashboard to provide data that could be clearly linked to business impact.

The adoption of the training strategy by the L&D team was an immediate success. An upcoming product launch required training to be delivered in an agile, efficient way that made the field-based salesforce customer-ready in a short timeframe. By implementing our recommendations from the training strategy, the L&D team was able to deliver on this need in a way they had not managed before.
