IG Wealth Management

Training for a Successful Salesforce Implementation

SoftwareFinancial ServicesLearningInstructor-Led
Training for a Successful Salesforce Implementation

IG Wealth Management was implementing Salesforce, a customer relationship management (CRM) system. They required a training program that would ensure their financial advisors, directors, and future hires are able to use Salesforce consistently and effectively to manage their practices

We collaborated with the Training and Development team at IG Wealth Management to design a 3-year training roadmap to plan for launch as well as future system releases. 

To prepare for launch, learners received a self-reflection to gage their readiness, as well as an interactive module and scavenger hunt to increase comfort with navigation, terminology, and their homepage.

We created a 1-day live training workshop for teams with lots of opportunity for scenario-based practice. We also created a special course for leaders, tailored to their systems requirements. To ensure consistency across the country, we also created an intensive 2-day Train-the-Trainer approach, which allowed for time to build facilitator competence with the program. 

The live training was repurposed into eLearning modules with embedded simulations, which could be used for onboarding as well as performance support post-workshop.

The national rollout of the program was a clear success based on feedback received so far. Facilitators reported that the live training ran smoothly, and there was strong feedback from participants that they felt confident they had the tools to ensure a successful launch. New hires are now taking the modules as part of onboarding. IG Wealth Management sees the training program as a critical enabler to realize the value of their investment in Salesforce.
